Buddhism, Nichiren Shū

The Six Paramitas / 六波羅蜜

Higan Service – Higan literally means “the other shore.” The 4th day of the Higan week is on the spring and fall equinox. During the Higan week, we practice the Six Paramitas of:

1. Giving/Dana,
2. Observing precepts

Not to harm any living being;
Not to take what is not given;
Not to engage in sexual misconduct;
Not to engage in false speech;
Not to lose control of one’s mind by using alcohol or drugs.

3. Practicing patience
4. Endeavoring in our practice
5. Meditation (Chanting Odaimoku)
6. Gaining wisdom from our practice.

During this time we also dedicate merit from our practice to our ancestors for their ongoing happiness and progress toward enlightenment.

六波羅蜜 (ろくはらみつ)

1. 布施(ふせ)…財や心を人に施すこと。
2. 持戒(じかい)…約束、決まり事を守ること。
3. 忍辱(にんにく)…苦しくても耐えること。
4. 精進(しょうじん)…努力をおしまず、全力を尽くすこと。
5. 禅定(ぜんじょう)…心を落ち着かせ、安定させた状態で自己反省すること。
6. 智慧(ちえ)…正しく判断力をもち、 ものごとの真実を見る目をもつこと。