Garage sale

AUTUMN GARAGE SALE Fundraiser 2019

Sunday, September 29th 9:30AM-3:30PM.
Our Annual Summer Garage Sale will be held with the purpose of raising funds for repairs to the temple.
DATE: Sunday, September 29, 2019.
TIME: 9:30am-3:30pm
We will be selling Kitchenware, Furniture, Clothing (Adults & Children), Handbags, Jewellery, Books/Manga (English & Japanese), Japanese crafts, Electronics, Golf sets, Toys and MORE!!
Please come by! We look forward to seeing you😃
トロント日蓮仏教会にて夏のガレージセールを開催します! 6月23日(日曜日)・午前9時30分から午後3時30分☆ 生活用品・電化製品・ゴルフセット・家具・子供/大人服・英日の小説・漫画等を取り扱っています。 ☆住所:20 Caithness Ave. [Donlands駅(Donlands x Danforth)から徒歩3分] 1 block East of Donlands St, 1 block North of Danforth Ave. の角にある一軒家です。

Garage sale

SUMMER GARAGE SALE Fundraiser 2019

Summer Garage Sale 2019
Sunday, June 23rd 9:30AM-3:30PM.
Our Annual Summer Garage Sale will be held with the purpose of raising funds for repairs to the temple.
DATE: Sunday, June 23rd, 2019.
TIME: 9:30am-3:30pm
We will be selling Kitchenware, Furniture, Clothing (Adults & Children), Handbags, Jewellery, Books/Manga (English & Japanese), Japanese crafts, Electronics, Golf sets, Toys and MORE!!
Please come by! We look forward to seeing you😃
トロント日蓮仏教会にて夏のガレージセールを開催します! 6月23日(日曜日)・午前9時30分から午後3時30分☆< 生活用品・電化製品・ゴルフセット・家具・子供/大人服・英日の小説・漫画等を取り扱っています。 ☆住所:20 Caithness Ave. [Donlands駅(Donlands x Danforth)から徒歩3分] 1 block East of Donlands St, 1 block North of Danforth Ave. の角にある一軒家です。

President’s Message: Spring Newsletter 2019

     Over 2000 years ago, the Buddha was born in a town called Lumbini that was located in the Northern part of India. After years of ascetic practices and meditation, the Buddha finally gained Enlightenment and started to share his teachings: this is the start of Buddhism. His teachings spread along the Silk Road through Central Asia, China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan. The Buddha’s words of wisdom have also been passed on to North America.

The Buddha’s essential teachings are the following:

1. The Four Noble Truths: Birth, Aging, Sickness, and Death.      You learn that life does not always go as planned.

2. Impermanence: In this world there is nothing that is fixed or permanent. Things in this world are constantly changing its form.

3. All dharmas are No-self (Sabbe dhammā anattā): Everything in this world exist as a result of fate; everything is connected to everything else. Nothing ever exists on its own. 

4. People tend to get angry or suffer about things other than themselves, however, these feelings derive from your heart. We must try to remove our worldly desires and attachments that cause anger and sufferings, and live with a peaceful mind. This is the way to achieve Enlightenment.

Buddhism arose from these teachings of the Buddha. The Four Noble Truths, ‘sufferings’, are the fundamental truths in life. We shall abstain from our worldly desires, follow the right path, overcome our sufferings, and reach for enlightenment.

On Sunday, May 5th, we will have the Birth of the Buddha, Hanamatsuri service. I look forward to seeing you all for this celebration.

Namu Myōho Renge Kyō

with Gassho,
Hiroshi Yamamoto




②『諸行無常(しょぎょうむじょう)』世の中の物事は一定ではなく、     絶えず変化を繰り返している。


④『涅槃寂静(ねはんじゃくじょう)』人は自分以外のものに原因を求め  怒りや苦しみを抱きますが、それらは全て自分の心が生み出していると  考える。その原因となる「煩悩(ぼんのう)」を消し去り、執着を捨て安らかな心を持って生きるのが“さとり”の境地である。

これらの「ブッダ」の教えがすなわち「仏教」となりました。平たく言えば、人生の「四苦八苦」は真理である。「迷い」や「執着心」を断って 「考えすぎない」「正しい道を行く」のが一番だとさとりました。そして、修行を積むことにより、煩悩をなくし、結果として「苦」を克服することが出来ると説いています。



トロント日蓮仏教会護持会会長 山本 博


President’s Message: New Year’s Newsletter 2019

Year of the Boar by Hiroshi Yamamoto

Happy New Year!

I hope you have all been doing well during this cold winter.

In recent years, technology has rapidly developed beyond our expectations, creating a great wave of change in human society. Although it has become a convenient world, I feel that this has brought a loss of human dignity that has become part of our everyday lives.

The Buddha teaches wisdoms such as the “spirit of compassion”, which is to care for others, and the “dependent origination” that explain the cause of human sufferings and rebirth.

The Buddha and Nichiren Shonin have spent long periods of time doing ascetic practices and their teachings have been handed down from generation to generation. I believe it is because they teach the eternal truth.

The Lotus Sutra is said to be the best teaching among all of the Buddha’s teachings. We shall spend our daily lives as followers of Nichiren Shonin–the devotee of the Lotus Sutra, while praying for peace for our family, society, and the world.

In two years, in year 2021, we will be celebrating the 800th anniversary of the birth of Nichiren Shonin. In order to pass on his teachings to the next generation, I would like to chant while showing my gratitude towards life and hope that the Lotus Sutra will support you emotionally and that we may continue to protect and operate the temple with all your support. 

Thank you once again for your continued support.

Wishing you all good health and happiness throughout the year.

Namu Myōho Renge Kyō

with Gassho,
Hiroshi Yamamoto



インフォメーション・テクノロジー(IT)は私たちの予想を上回る急速な発展をし、社会の変革の大きなうねりを生み出しています。便利になった反面、物質的な繁栄の陰の産物として、人間としての品格の     喪失、崩壊が日常化して来ている感じがする昨今です。

仏の教えにはお釈迦様の他人を思いやる慈悲の精神や、「縁起」などの 智慧が説かれています。お釈迦様や日蓮聖人が長い時間をかけて行った修行と説いたお言葉と精神は、様々な時代を超えて今日まで語り継がれてきました。その訳は、教えの中に不変の真理が含まれているからではないでしょうか?私たちはお釈迦様の説いた教えの中の最高の教えと言われる『法華経』の行者・日蓮聖人の弟子として日常を送り、家庭、社会、世界に安穏が行き渡るように祈念して行きたいと思います。

二年後の2021年には日蓮聖人の御降誕から800年を迎えますが、 その教えを次世代につなぐべく、今年も信徒の皆様、有縁信徒の皆さまと共に『命に合掌』し、生かされている事に感謝し、お題目が皆様の心の 拠り所となる事を念願して、護持・運営をして行きたいと思います。




トロント日蓮仏教会護持会会長 山本 博


President’s Message: Winter Newsletter 2018

    Since we have entered the technology generation, we have been heading towards a world filled with distrust as we receive fraudulent emails and scam phone calls, and with the spread of fake news.  At times like this, I believe it is important to believe in the teachings of the Buddha, learn the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, and we shall use religion as a form of support to improve our judgement over time.     

     We should not close our heart just because we cannot believe in the society. We shall try to have an honest heart and respond with greater flexibility to the things that are happening around us. There is a limit to our lifespan, however, I would like to value the life I have inherited from my parents, and hope to use the rest of my life to be grateful towards them, place my palms together in gasshō, in the prayer position, and live my life in a meaningful way.

     We will have the Oeshiki service, the last service of the year, on Sunday, November 4th. Nichiren Shōnin passed away at the Ikegami Honmon-ji temple in Tokyo 736 years ago on October 13th, 1282. It is said that cherry blossoms bloom out of season on this day. This is why we celebrate the Oeshiki service lavishly with paper flower decorations. I hope to chant the odaimoku with everyone during the Oeshiki service to show gratitude towards Nichiren Shōnin. After attending the temple service and chanting the odaimoku, I feel a great sense of satisfaction—  an irreplaceable feeling that is very unique. I truly believe that faith is something you will treasure for the rest of your life.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Oeshiki service.

I look forward to seeing you at the Fall Higan service.

Namu Myōho Renge Kyō

with Gassho,
Hiroshi Yamamoto

     最近思う事は、世の中はインターネットの時代に入り、フェイクニュースが流れたり、詐欺紛いのメールやあるいは電話が掛かって来たり、不信だらけの世の中になってきている感じがして、決して良い方向に向かっているようには思えません。しかし、またこんな時代だから   こそ仏様の教えを信じ、法華経を学び、宗教を柱として物事を測る判断力を鍛えることが大切になって来るのではないでしょうか?また世の中を信じられないからといって自分の心を閉ざすのではなく、様々な物事に素直な心で柔軟に対応できるように自分の心を保ちたいものです。


トロント日蓮仏教会の今年最後の法要はお会式です。今から736年前の10月13日に、日蓮聖人は東京の池上本門寺で御入滅されました。      その時、季節外れの桜が咲き誇ったと伝わっていることから、日蓮宗では華やかな行事として御会式を行います。

当寺では11月4日に行いますが、皆様と共に聖人に報恩感謝のお題目を捧げたいと思います。お寺の行事に参加して、お題目を唱えた後の   満足感は何物にも代えがたいものがあります。信仰は自分の心の宝物になります。是非、ご参列ください。


合掌 山本 博

Garage sale


Summer Garage Sale 2018

ANNUAL SUMMER GARAGE SALE on Sunday, June 24th 9:30AM-3:30PM.

Our Annual Spring Garage Sale will be held with the purpose of raising funds for repairs to the temple.

DATE: Sunday, July 15th
TIME: 9:30am-3:30pm

We will be selling Kitchenware, Furniture, Clothing (Women, Men & Children), Handbags, Jewellery, Books/Manga (English & Japanese), Japanese crafts, Electronics, Golf sets, Toys and MORE!!

Please come by! We look forward to seeing you😃
☆住所:20 Caithness Ave. [Donlands駅(Donlands x Danforth)から徒歩2分]
1 block East of Donlands St, 1 block North of Danforth Ave. の角にある一軒家です。
Buddhism, Nichiren Shū

The teachings of the Lotus Sutra / 法華経の教え

The Buddha thought “How can I save people from their sufferings?” and went through ascetic training, then became the enlightened one. The Buddha is always leading us and wishes that we all have a peaceful mind. We are all the Buddha’s children and can become a buddha as well.

We are all connected to everything, and it is important to act in a way that everyone can gain happiness. If you believe in the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, this world and our future will become a peaceful one.

(From MINOBU “The hearts of Thank you~Worshipping our ancestors”- Vol.9)

お釈迦様(仏さま)は「どうすれば人々を苦しみから救うことができる  だろうか」と修行し、悟りを開かれました。



『みのぶ・ありがとうの心~ご先祖さまの供養・第9号』 より